MVCTC Aspire Update - GED Classes at Life Enrichment Center


Written by Rhonda Hendizadeh, Instructor
High School Equivalency (HSE) /Aspire classes began at The Life Enrichment Center (LEC) in October of 2017. Classes are Tuesday-Thursday from 9-12. At the LEC, MVCTC helps students prepare for their HSE, Adult Diploma Program (ADP) and any other skill refreshment that is helpful to the students in our community. Most recently, students attended a Health Fair presented at the LEC given by various organizations and local nursing schools. Students attended presentations as a class on nutrition and the importance of reading OTC prescription bottles correctly. Both sessions brought out some excellent questions from the students. Presentations were given by nursing students which were a powerful takeaway for my students showing what some possible next steps are. Some students took advantage of other services at the fair including vision screening and a bone density scan. The Health Fair brought about a good lesson/conversation about the systems of the body.