Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chili Cook-Off Winners Announced


At the January FFA Meeting the Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter held its annual Chili Cook-Off Competition. Members were given the challenge of working in teams to create a chili to submit to the judges for evaluation. They had to submit their recipe and be evaluated. 8 entries competed in the event.

 Winners of the competition included two categories. The Judges Choice Winner was a team of Ashley Hawkins and Bailey Buck with their sweet chili that included 17 ingredients such as cinnamon and cocoa powder. Second place went to Alex Zapadka with his red chili with hot sauce. Third place was Zach Kronenberger with his Jalapeno Turkey White Chili. The People’s Choice Winner was Alex DiNardo with his venison chili.

 All winning teams received an FFA T-Shirt and participants received a bottle of BBQ sauce. Judges for the event were the Miami East High School custodial staff and guests Mike Francis, Les Kinder, Richard Hague and Kevin Karnehm.

 Additional contest participants included Katie Bendickson and Alyssa Westgerdes, Zack Kowalak, Kyle Elifritz, and Jessica Copeland.

 Photo caption: Winners of the Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter Annual Chili Cook-Off at the January FFA Meeting included (L to R) Zach Kronenberger, Alex DiNardo, Bailey Buck, Ashley Hawkins, and Alex Zapadka.