New Arcanum MVCTC FFA Chapter sends members to Greenhand Conference.


On Saturday September 17th, 8 first year, or Greenhand, FFA members attended the State Greenhand Conference held annually at Versailles High School in Versailles, OH.

The theme of the conference was “First Down and Life to Go”. Students participated in a Career Development Round Table session where they rotated around and learned about the various Career Development Events FFA has to offer. The conference featured sessions by Sydney Snider, National FFA Officer from Ohio, Matthew Klopfenstein, National FFA Officer Candidate, Mary Buehler, Ohio State FFA President, Meredith Oglesby, Ohio State FFA Vice President, Josie Montoney, Ohio State FFA Secretary, Lauren Grover, Ohio State FFA Reporter, Ryan Matthews, Vice President at Large, Maggie Hovermale, Vice President at Large, Kameron Rinehart, Vice President at Large, Trisha Seckel, Vice President at Large. Afternoon sessions the students attended include the topics of FFA/Leadership, Teamwork, Goal Setting, SAE Exploration and Communication.

Students in attendance included; (Front) Reagen Peters, Alexandria Less, Sidney McAllister (Back) Jacob Osswald, Carver Gostomsky, Trevor Osswald, Jared Eberhard, and Jack Walters.