Miami East MVCTC FFA Member of the Month for October 2014


The October 2014 Miami East-MVCTC FFA Member of the Month is Emily Thimmes. She is the daughter of Robert and Kim Thimmes. She is a freshman and first year member of the Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter.

Emily recently participated in the county and district urban soils judging contest. She was the highest scoring individual for county contest and third high individual at the district contest. She helped the team qualify for the state urban soils judging contest. Emily also attended the State Greenhand Conference, helped with the March of Dimes Princess For A Day fundraiser, and Culver’s Farmer’s Appreciation Day.

Every month of the school year the Miami East-MVCTC FFA will select a student to be the FFA Member of the Month.  The officer team will nominate one student that has been actively involved in the FFA chapter, school and community activities.  If selected, the member will be recognized at the monthly FFA meeting, have their picture displayed in the Miami East Ag Room, and will receive a special accolade in celebration of their accomplishment.