Edison Community college Visits Arcanum-MVCTC Agriculture Program


Mr. Brad Lentz from Edison State Community College took the time to visit with the Junior and Senior Agricultural Students at Arcanum High School.  Mr. Lentz not only shared with the students the new Agriculture Major offered at Edison State CC but also some insight into preparing for life after high school.   He shared with the students that they have multiple options after graduation including: the workforce, military, tech schools, 2 year colleges, 4 year colleges, etc.   Students need to take the time to figure out what option or options work best for their future.   The Arcanum MVCTC Ag Department would like to think Mr. Lentz for visiting with students and showing them the opportunities available to them.  


Caption:    Arcanum Agriculture Students with Mr. Lentz from Edison State CC – (L to R)Derek Yohe, Samantha McAllister, MaKennah Hutcheson, Hannah Rammel, Angus Wallen, Brenna Loxley, Jonah Weidner, Ashlynn Farmer, Dezeray Rice, Jacob Osswald, Mr. Lentz, Marcy Bradshaw, and Dylan Young.