Brookville-MVCTC FFA Competes in District Soils Contest


On September 25, 2014, members from the Brookville-MVCTC FFA Chapter participated in the District 5 Soils Contest CDE (Career Development Event). The event took place in Montgomery County on Air Hill and Johnsville-Brookville Roads. Members compete in two different soil judging categories: rural and urban. Before heading to the soil pits the members complete a general knowledge test and use the Montgomery County Soil Survey book to complete questions about local soil. After the test, rural and urban participants went to their designated soil pits. The rural team evaluated the soil for agricultural use and recommended conservation practices. Members of this team included: Amanda Brubaker, Kyla Day, Jacob Filbrun, Spencer Haynes, TJ Hunt, Trenton Rodgers, Jordan Walters and Allison Winterbotham. The urban team evaluated the soil for different land uses including buildings with basements, septic tanks, driveways and roads, and lawns, gardens and landscaping.  They also recommended different management practices for the urban areas. Members of the urban team included Andrea Ball and Collin Middlestetter.

Overall the rural team placed 14th. The highest placing member was Jacob Filbrun, who placed 21st out of 196 participants. The urban team placed 20th overall. Andrea Ball was the highest placing member.  The Brookville-MVCTC FFA chapter would like to thank the soils judge, Mr. George Derringer, who is a Research Soil Scientist for Natural Resource Conservation Center in Englewood and Dull Homestead Farm for providing the location for the contest.