National Trail-MVCTC FFA Chapter holds Administrative Dinner


Englewood, Ohio - The National Trail-MVCTC FFA Chapter held their first Administrative Dinner September 22, 2014. The National Trail-MVCTC FFA Officers shared their POA or Program of Activities (POA) for the 2014-2015 school year with the National Trail Board Members and MVCTC Administrators. Also, they had three amazing guest speakers, Natalie Miller, Jenna Genson, and Tracy Dendinger.

 Jenna Genson was first to speak, she told the board members about the importance of the National Honorary FFA Member Award and how special it is to receive. Jessica Helsinger will be receiving this award October 31, 2014, at the National FFA Convention for Mr. Joseph Slone. Ms. Genson then shared how the late Joseph Slone was respected by more than just the National Trail-MVCTC FFA Chapter.

Natalie Miller spoke about the importance of field trips planed during the school year. She shared how much of an impact it leaves on the members and the lessons they learn on these trips. Natalie shared, “They learn it all, from Math and Science to Social Studies. They also learn major social and leadership skills that will help them throughout their whole life.”  She helped the board members understand that it’s not just a day off school; the students learn many life lessons.

Tracy Dendinger was the last to speak. She presented a PowerPoint showing the classroom education portion of Ag Ed. She talked about how big it is becoming and what the future looks like for the organization. She discussed what topics are taught in the classroom and about how they are trying to start teaching middle school courses.

The dinner was a huge success and the National Trail-MVCTC FFA Chapter thanks all who attended. They are excited for the new year and activities they have planned.

For over 40-years, MVCTC has been providing career technical education for 27 partner school districts encompassing five counties in Southwest Ohio.  MVCTC is dedicated to providing in-demand workforce training for youth, adults, and organizations in the Miami Valley. 

For more information about MVCTC, visit


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