Miami East - MVCTC FFA Member of the Month December 2014


The December 2014 Miami East-MVCTC FFA Member of the Month is Katie Bodenmiller of Casstown. She is the daughter of Mark and Brenda Bodenmiller.

Katie recently competed in the District Job Interview Career Development Event. During the contest she completed a job application, conducted a mock job interview, and composed a business thank you letter. She placed eighth in the district. Katie has attended the National FFA Convention, exhibited items at the County Fair Shop and Crop building, and competed in the chapter¹s corn growing challenge.

Every month of the school year the Miami East FFA will select a student to be the FFA Member of the Month.  The officer team will nominate one student that has been actively involved in the FFA chapter, school and community activities.  If selected, the member will be recognized at the monthly FFA meeting, have their picture displayed in the Miami East Ag Room, and will receive a special accolade in celebration of their accomplishment.

Respectfully Submitted, Casey Copeland, Reporter