Miami East -MVCTC FFA Member of the Month for February 2015


The February 2015 Miami East-MVCTC FFA Member of the Month is Miranda Maggart. Miranda is the daughter of Mark Maggart and Jennifer Force. She is a senior and third year FFA member.


Miranda recently applied for her State FFA Degree, an honor that less than 2% of members earn. Her application is being evaluated at the state level the end of February. She also applied for the Specialty Crop Production Proficiency Award. Miranda grows and markets chrysanthemums and pink pumpkins at the Troy Farmers Market. She has donated a portion of her earnings to the Pink Pumpkin Foundation for breast cancer research. Additionally, she earned a $1000 Supervised Agricultural Experience grant from the National FFA Organization. Miranda has participated in the District Food Science and Technology Career Development Event, Farm Safety Day for second graders, and the canned food drive for the Fletcher Food Pantry.


Every month of the school year the Miami East FFA will select a student to be the FFA Member of the Month.  The officer team will nominate one student that has been actively involved in the FFA chapter, school and community activities.  If selected, the member will be recognized at the monthly FFA meeting, have their picture displayed in the Miami East Ag Room, and receive a special memento in celebration of their accomplishment.