Miami East - MVCTC FFA Raises Money for Children's Hopsital and March of Dimes


“Every coin counts in a penny war,” says senior Riann Kingrey. Kingrey and her fellow Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter recently sponsored a Penny War with all of the earnings being equally split between the March of Dimes and Children’s Hospital of Dayton.


Members of the Financial Committee wanted a creative way to raise money for two of their favorite charities that would include all 77 FFA members. Committee members involved in the organization, counting, and tallying of results were Riann Kingrey, Olivia Edgell, Allie Patton, and Levi Reid.


During the month of March more than $167 was raised amongst all six Agricultural Education classes at Miami East High School. Pennies were positive points and all other coins and dollars were negative points. The class earning the highest average per student was sixth period, a class of Business Management (junior and senior) students.


The winning class received a pizza party complements of Farm Credit Services of Mid-America, represented by Brian Riethman and LeAnnTopp.


Photo caption (L to R) Riann Kingrey, Olivia Edgell, and Levi Reid are Miami East-MVCTC FFA members that helped organize the Penny Wars. Also shown are are LeAnn Topp and Brian Riethman from Farm Credit Services of America sponsored the pizza party for the winning Agricultural Education class.