Miami East-MVCTC FFA Donates Trees To Fourth Graders


The Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter recently donated trees to every fourth grader in the Miami East Local School District. This was a special project of the Environmental Committee of the FFA. The trees were distributed in the classrooms of Mrs. Kathryn Irick, Mr. Josh Roeth, Mr. Matt Roth, and Mrs. Brittany Scarpella.


In an effort to help repopulate Ohio with trees, each student was given one pine tree in the hopes that they would plant it.  FFA members realize that farmers and ranchers provide food and habitat for 75

percent of the nation¹s wildlife.  Not only will the trees provide >cover for wildlife in the area, they will also produce quality oxygen.


All students were challenged to plant their tree in celebration of Earth Day. Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on Wednesday, April 22, on which events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year.


Participating in this project were Cameron Coomes, Lane Davis, Alex DiNardo, Caitlin Fryman, Grant Hodge, and Jacob Goins. Additional assistants were Allyson Supinger, Stephanie Millhouse, Allie Patton,

Olivia Edgell, Kelsey Kirchner, Katie Bendickson, and Riann Kingrey  The trees were a project with the Miami County Soil and Water Conservation District.


Photo caption: Allyson Supinger (right) and Stephanie Millhouse (left) shared a tree and facts on trees with the fourth graders at Miami East Elementary.