Miami East FFA Alumni Sponsors Scholarships


The Miami East FFA Alumni Chapter recently recognized graduates of Miami East High School that had been enrolled in Agricultural Education and members of the FFA Chapter. In order to qualify for the scholarship, the applicants completed an essay on “The Benefits of Agricultural Education” and been active in the FFA Chapter for at least one year. Each recipient received a cash scholarship to be used for their further education.


Casey Copeland is the daughter of Rick and Stephanie Copeland. She served as a chapter officer, the state placing Food Science Career Development Event, and FFA Week activities. Casey shared, “Because of my time in agricultural education and FFA, I have realized what I want to do with the rest of my life.”


Madeline Davis is the daughter of Jerry and Noelle Davis. She served as a chapter officer, was a national proficiency finalist, and competed in the state public speaking Career Development Event. Madeline shared, “Agricultural Education has allowed me to share my love for agriculture with others.”


Olivia Edgell is the daughter of Brian and Jamie Edgell. She served as a chapter officer, competed in the National Agriscience Fair, and was a state proficiency finalist three times. She shared, “Not only have I learned about hard work, but I have also learned how to work well with others, how to value my parents and family members, and how to be a great advocate for agriculture.”


Haley Etherington is the daughter of Jeff Etherington and Misty Clark. She participated in the district Job Interview Career Development, Ag Day, and Tire Recycling Day. She shared, “Students gain responsibility skills from their supervised agricultural experience, leadership skills through the multiple career development events offered, and knowledge on agriculture around them.”


Colin Gump is the son of Kevin and Janet Gump. He participated in the General Livestock Judging Career Development Event, Capstone Early Work-Release Experience, and Relay For Life Fundraisers. He shared, “Agricultural Education has opened my eyes about the real world and how much agriculture really does and how big of an impact it is on the world.”


Grant Hodge is the son of Steve and Jenny Hodge. He participated in the State Agricultural Engineering Career Development Event, Farm Safety Day, and earned the State FFA Degree. Grant shared, “Everyone can benefit from an agricultural education class, no matter where you live.”


Riann Kingrey is the daughter of Brad and Tonya Kingrey. She earned the State FFA Degree, attended the National FFA Convention, and competed in the National Agriscience Fair. She shared, “Agriculture teaches one lifelong lessons that consist of hard work, perseverance, determination, dedication, diligence, and many other life lessons.”



Miranda Maggart is the daughter of Mark Maggart and Jennifer Force. Miranda earned the State FFA Degree, was a state proficiency finalist twice, and participated in the District Food Science Career Development. She shared, “FFA has given me stories to tell and experiences to share for the rest of my life and I couldn’t be more thankful to be a part of a great organization and family.”


Allyson Supinger is the daughter of Chris DiNardo and Rebecca Supinger. She earned the State FFA Degree, attended the National and State FFA Conventions, and participated in the Food Science Career Development Event.  Allyson shared, “The skills that I have gained through FFA have made a difference in my character by gifting me with the same skills that I'll continue to execute in my future career.”



Blane Wagner is the son of Jackie and the late Jimmy Wagner. He participated in Ag Day, National FFA Convention, and Equine Management Career Development Events. Blane shared, “Agriculture Education has made me aware that agriculture is everywhere whether we see it or not and everyday more and more opportunities are arising for today’s youth.”


Nick Woolever is the son of Kim Smock and Brian Woolever. He participated in Ag Day, fruit sales, and Farm Safety Day, and the district Agricultural Sales Career Development Event. Nick shared, “Not only did I grow academically, but I also grew as a person.”


Davey Wright is the son of Jerrod and Nikki Wright. He participated in fruit sales, the District Agricultural Sales Career Development Event, and attended the National FFA Convention. Davey shared, “I learned that you have to help others out and put others in front of yourself because when you do that people will do the same thing for you.”


The Miami East FFA Alumni was able to provide these scholarship recipients with monies because of the generous donations and support of community members through such projects as the Longaberger Basket Bingo in January, Quarter Auction in April, and the Silent Auction at the Chapter Banquet in March. They look forward to supporting all Agricultural Education students in their participation in learning about the diversity of the agriculture industry.


Respectfully Submitted, Emma Linn, Reporter


Photo caption: Front Row (L to R) Haley Etherington, Madeline Davis, Riann Kingrey, Olivia Edgell, Casey Copeland, and Miranda Maggart Back Row (L to R) Allyson Supinger, Blane Wagner, Colin Gump, Grant Hodge, Nick Woolever, Davey Wright and FFA Alumni President Les Kinder