Miami East- MVCTC FFA Members Attend State FFA Greenhand Conference


On Saturday, September 12, 12 Miami East-MVCTC FFA Greenhands attended the 2015 State Greenhand Conference hosted by the Versailles FFA Chapter.  The theme was “First Down and Life To Go,” and the conference offered workshops for the first-year agricultural education students to learn about opportunities in the FFA, setting goals, developing communication skills, and working in teams. Additionally, attendees rotated through various Career Development Events that FFA members can get involved in during their FFA membership.


Presenters for the conference included sessions by Sydney Snider, National FFA Officer Candidate, Matthew Klopfenstein, Ohio State FFA President, Lesley Shanahan, Vice President at Large, Ryan Goddard, Vice President at Large, Michaela Kramer, Ohio State FFA Secretary, Sarah Landis, Vice President at Large, Robby Thiel, Ohio State FFA Sentinel, Mary Buehler, Ohio State FFA Vice President, and Aaron Klohn, Ohio State FFA Reporter. The participants enjoyed the opportunity to meet FFA members from across the state of Ohio and learn more about FFA. Over 475 members were in attendance.


In the canned food drive competition, Miami East placed second and earned beautifully decorated cupcakes.

Those attending the 2015 Ohio FFA Greenhand Conference from Miami East included Zack Kowalak, Zach Kronenberger, Kylie Blair, Jessica Gillum, Alex Zapadka, Spencer Selhorst, Caleb Hayslett, Tyler Heckman, Dakota Bashore, Bailey Buck, Ashley Hawkins, and Monet Desautels.


Front row (L to R): Caleb Hayslett, Dakota Bashore, Spencer Selhorst, Jessica Gillum, Middle row (L to R): Kylie Blair, Zack Kowalak, Tyler Heckman, Ashley Hawkins, Back row (L to R): Monet Desautels, Zach Kronenberger, Alex Zapadka, Bailey Buck