Hannah Booth, Graphic Commercial Photography 2008 from Northmont


"Since leaving MVCTC, I finished college and earned a Bachelor's Degree in English, and began traveling as an ESL teacher and yacht crew chef. I have lived in five countries and visited over 25. MVCTC taught me about passion, Mr. Baker taught me about the importance of doing something right and well and Mr. Vada taught me that creativity is boundless. My first resume was written at MVCTC and my first professional experiences happened thanks to their staff. As I have traveled over the years I have used my photography skills to connect with my surroundings, as a teaching tool in schools around the world, and just to capture wonderful memories. I will be forever grateful to MVCTC. The attached photo is from the day I reached the Thorang La in Nepal. The highest mountain pass in the world."

 -Hannah Booth
2008 Graphic Commercial Photography, Northmont