Brookville-MVCTC FFA to Host Trick-or-Treat for Canned Goods

On Trick-or Treat night, the Brookville-MVCTC FFA chapter will be holding a Trick-or-Treat for Canned Goods event in order to collect canned goods for our local food bank. Brookville’s Trick-or-Treat will be held Tuesday October 31st from 6:00-7:30 pm. As you are passing out candy, please have a few canned goods ready for us to pick up. If you do not live in town or want to drop off donations to us, you can still donate! Before Trick-or-Treat night, you may bring donations to the high school offices during school hours. We will be competing with other FFA chapters in the state to see which chapter can collect the most food so please donate for a good cause! Thank you for supporting our local people in need!