Brookville-MVCTC FFA Sponsors Blood Drive

On Friday October 11, the Brookville-MVCTC FFA sponsored a blood drive at the high school through Community Blood Center. There were 45 registered donors, 39 drawn (111% of our goal), and 23 first time donors. Each pint of blood donated has the potential to save up to 3 lives. We would like to thank Mr. Gregg Pigg for allowing us to use the gym for the day, Mr. Scott Petry for assisting with set up, and BHS administration and staff for supporting our blood drive. Also, thank you to the following students and staff members for registering to donate: Daniel Anderson, Camron Boggs, Paige Bolinger, Lee Bricker, Cheyenne Cantrell, Cody Cantrell, Amy Caylor, Eric Chambers, David Chenier, Lydia Domsitz, Shannon Foster, Quentin Guidas, Emily Hensley, Rueben Kennedy, Erica Kinsey, Alexis Lambert, Deveyn Lipinski, Hailee Loughman, Timothy Luther, Thomas Martin, Nicole Martin, Victor Martin, Nathan McKown, Brittany McManus, Samantha Mills, Kylie Mullennix, Jonathan Owens, Megan Phillips, Grant Phillips, Trenton Rodgers, Zachary Sarver, Madison Schick, Emily Smith, Angela Sprada, Micah Studebaker, Davinderpaul Takhar, Hannah Tomlin, Rachael Tyler, Jenna Vance, Joel Viernes, Jordan Walters, Mekayla Walz, Dylan Williams, Edward Wilson, Layne Woodworth.